Workshops & Trainings
Top Programs
Engineering Your Purpose - Purpose is the driving force behind personal satisfaction, success, and overall well-being. In this compelling presentation, Dr. Mabry provides a practical framework for individuals to discover and align their careers with their true purpose. As a technical professional with 15+ yrs of experience, I combine the elements of engineering design and personal development, and will guide the audience through five essential steps that can empower them to live a truly fulfilling life.
The STEM Diversity Advantage - Discover how embracing diversity in STEM can become a game-changer for organizations. This enlightening presentation will explore the immense value of integrating diversity into an organization's strategy, operations, and culture. By fostering an inclusive environment, we can unlock stronger performances in research and advancements, and ultimately drive innovation and progress.
Creatively Enhancing Your Leadership - Discover the untapped potential of creative leadership in transforming personal and professional achievements. In this interactive presentation, Dr. Mabry will reveal the limitations caused by ineffective leaders and the absence of clear paths to success. By embracing the call to personal leadership, the audience will learn how to positively influence diverse situations, maximizing outcomes for themselves and their teams, ultimately paving the way for innovative and impactful contributions.
Additional Workshops
Finding Your Place in Engineering
Creatively Enhancing Your Leadership Style
Engineering Persistence
Creating Enthusiasm and Impact in Engineering Using Spoken Word Poetry
Networking and Developing Your Brand
Improving Time Management and Study Skills
Reverse Engineering Financial Freedom
Alumni Perspective: What I Wish I Knew Before I Graduated
Is Graduate School the Right Choice for Me?
Industry Insight: Tips Navigating Your Journey to a Fulfilling Career
The Science of Science Communication
Video Production for Scientists
Developing Your Science Communication Strategy
Building Your Mentoring Network
These workshops can be tailored to fit your organization’s needs. We will ensure quality content, leadership, and engagement through our workshops for student and early-career professional audiences.